I use quantitative and qualitative methods to understand how quantifications and expertise shape our societies. In this page you can find the outcome of my research classified by topics: Expertise and Anticorruption, Expertise and Dollarization, and Quantification.

Population Censuses in Crisis: United States, Brazil, and Ecuador in comparative perspective
The paper discusses the challenges faced by the United States, Brazil, and Ecuador in conducting their population censuses, with a focus on political interventions and their impact on census operations. It highlights the differences in contexts, actors, and outcomes, and emphasizes the need to understand the political and social complexities surrounding census production. The document also emphasizes the importance of a functional legal infrastructure and social mobilization in protecting the integrity of the census.
In The Global Politics of Census Taking: Quantifying Populations, Institutional Autonomy, Innovation.
Edited by Walter Bartl, Christian Suter, Alberto Veira-Ramos, Routledge, 2024
Edited by Walter Bartl, Christian Suter, Alberto Veira-Ramos, Routledge, 2024
Statistical Innovation in the Global South Mechanisms of Translation In Censuses of Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana and Sierra Leone
This paper explores the socio-economic history of quantification in Ecuador, Brazil, Ghana, and Sierra Leone, focusing on the adoption and implementation of statistical methods and technologies in population censuses. It identifies four key mechanisms that shape the reception and adaptation of statistical innovation in the Global South: interventionist impulses from international organizations, commercial and institutional brokerage, initiatives from local professional communities, and the effects of political instabilities.
Comparative Sociology, 21(4), 419-446, 2022
Coauthors: Thiel A., Capistriano
Coauthors: Thiel A., Capistriano
Experticia estadística en la administración pública ecuatoriana: mecanismos de emergencia y legitimación
(Statistical expertise in the Ecuadorian public administration: Emergence and legitimation mechanisms)
This paper asks how the field of statisticians emerged in Ecuador. It historicizes local and global forces that shaped the constitution of statistical expertise, paying attention to the legacies of the Kemmerer Mission, the influence of ECLAC, and the growing automation of State management.
Iconos, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 71, 81-102, 2021
The Latin American Observatory of Population Censuses
The paper is a comprehensive reflection on the experience of observing, censuses, and the challenges and implications of conducting them. It covers a wide range of topics including the politics of numbers, manipulation of statistics by governments, the evolution of censuses, the impact of COVID-19 on census rounds, and the use of technology in census-taking. The document also discusses the Latin American Observatory of Population Censuses (OLAC) and its efforts to analyze and improve census data in Latin America.
In The Global Politics of Census Taking: Quantifying Populations, Institutional Autonomy, Innovation.
Edited by Walter Bartl, Christian Suter, Alberto Veira-Ramos, Routledge, 2024.
Coauthors: Mendes G., Sacco N.
Edited by Walter Bartl, Christian Suter, Alberto Veira-Ramos, Routledge, 2024.
Coauthors: Mendes G., Sacco N.
Gender Politics in Latin American Censuses: the case of Brazil and Ecuador
The document discusses the history and inclusion of gender-related questions in census questionnaires in Ecuador and Brazil. It highlights the factors influencing the inclusion of these questions, such as economic conditions, political stability, and social activism. The document emphasizes the need for gender-specific data collection methods and the challenges in collecting gender statistics. It also mentions the limitations of the Brazilian census in capturing gender-related data and the influence of social movements in pressuring the inclusion of specific questions.
In Advances in Gender Research, 28, 119-139, 2019
Coauthor: Thome D.
Coauthor: Thome D.
Expertise Networks Behind LGBTI+ Quantification
This work in progress explores the way how LGBTI+ populations are quantified, who are the people involved in the decisions of how to quantify and what arguments they use to apply certain ideological and practical perspectives in their work.
Coauthor: Gonsalves T.
Working Paper available upon request.
Working Paper available upon request.
Quieter, Powerful and Silent: effects of methodological transitions in population census methodologies
This research explores the effects of the increasing digitalization of population registers and the abandonment of traditional population censuses. This transition transforms the conceptual understanding of the census, creating a quiescent device with enhanced capacities and reduced possibilities of reactions from society. The study contributes to understanding quantification and standardization in official statistics.
Working Paper available upon request.
Desgoverno Estatístico: Comparativo Censitario Crítico (Statistical Misgovernance: Critical Census Comparative)
This chapter warns about the discreet privatization of public statistics in Latin America. I view statistics as a tool of political economy and stress the need to avoid reducing public statistics to merely technical instruments. While I acknowledge the importance of technical elements in processes like population censuses, I argue for a broader definition that includes concepts essential for understanding critical moments and crises. Understanding critical moments differs from comprehending crises. The chapter illustrates this perspective with specific variables to operationalize these ideas.
In Censo 2021: Experiencias na América do Soul, SNT IBGE. Organizacão: Luanda Botelho, 2021
Resiliencia Impugnada: Los Efectos del Terremoto de Manabí–Ecuador en la predisposición a participar en espacios de cooperación
(Contested Resilience: The effects of the Manabi-Ecuador earthquake in the predisposition to participate in spaces of cooperation)
The study examines how earthquakes impact participation in cooperative spaces. Using the Differences-in-Differences (DiD) method, no significant increase in cooperative participation was found post-disaster. However, variations are linked to social, economic, and demographic factors.
Revista de Estudios sobre Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres – REDER, 5(2), 125-137, 2021
Coauthor: Vera D.
Coauthor: Vera D.
The Socioeconomic Paradox of Galapagos: An analysis of socioeconomic scenarios in Galapagos
The paper discusses the socioeconomic and health situation in the Galapagos Islands, noting superior health conditions compared to the mainland, including higher vaccine coverage and lower malnutrition rates. However, it highlights deficiencies in specialized health services and infrastructure. The document also addresses unfavorable socioeconomic conditions such as high education costs, limited access to basic services, and a high cost of living. It introduces the concept of the Galapagos Paradox, which refers to challenges arising from uncontrolled migration. The labor market is predominantly tourism-oriented, drawing migrants seeking better job prospects and wages.
In Walsh S., Mena C., “Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos Islands.” Springer: 69–86, 2013
Coauthor: Carrillo D.
Coauthor: Carrillo D.
Fuentes de Datos y Sistemas Estadísticos Nacionales
(Data Sources and National Statistical Systems)
This chapter explores how sources of demographic data and national statistical systems assess regional advancements in terms of development. It also evaluates the accessibility, comparability, and transparency of population and housing censuses, as well as vital statistics. These efforts are crucial for monitoring progress on the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Notably, only a third of the Montevideo Consensus indicators are integrated into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reinforcing the alignment between both agendas.
In Implementación del Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo: en América Latina y El Caribe, (“Data Sources and National Statistical Systems” in Implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean). ALAP & UNFPA–Oficina Regional de América Latina y el Carib, 2020
Coauthors: Roussset B., Mendes G., Nathan M.
Coauthors: Roussset B., Mendes G., Nathan M.
Expertise and Anticorruption
Embedding the Disembedded Approach to Corruption
What is the importance of understanding corruption as a social issue and the role of different disciplines, in studying it? We need to recognize the social contexts and power structures that shape the production of anti-corruption knowledge. This investigation highlights the influence of quantitative methodologies and the limitations of a rigid and homogeneous understanding of corruption and its implications. It also emphasizes the embeddedness of corruption knowledge in geopolitical, epistemological, and methodological structures and the potential biases attached to the social positions of experts.
In The Sociology of Corruption. Edited by Marco Garrido, Marina Zaloznaya, and Nicholas Wilson, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2024.
Austerity as Anti-Corruption Policy: The Effects of a Moral Campaign on Social Programs
This investigation studies implementation of anti-corruption policies in Latin America and their effects on social programs. It argues that these policies, which promoted austerity measures, had adverse effects on inequality by reducing transfers to low-income families, decreasing investments in public infrastructure, and increasing taxes for middle and low-income families. Additionally, the promotion of individuality as a social value discouraged cooperative economies and led to a demobilization of anti-corruption activism.
Working paper available upon request.
The Gender Composition of the Anti-corruption Expertise
This research explores the gender composition and power dynamics within the field of anti-corruption expertise. It highlights the predominance of men in the field, particularly in academic, economic, and political capitals, resulting in more publications, tenure opportunities, and prizes. The document emphasizes the need to address gender imbalances in order to achieve a more democratic and decolonized production of anti-corruption knowledge. Additionally, it identifies five contradictions that need to be resolved to achieve a more inclusive approach to combating corruption.
In Corruption and Anti-Corruption Upside Down: New Perspectives from the Global South. Edited by Odilla, and Konstantinos, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2024.
Expertise and Dollarization
Trajectories and mutations of expertise within the socio-economic order of dollarization
This paper examines Ecuador’s formal dollarization in 2000 and the social forces that shaped this decision. The paper highlights the role of economic experts and their relationships within the field, as well as the homogenization of expertise and the rise of global governance operators. It discusses the composition of opinion experts and bureaucrats, and the characteristics of the Central Bank of Ecuador’s bureaucracy. It provides a nuanced perspective on the complex relationships between agents, capital, and narratives in the context of global monetary policy.
Coauthor: Echeverria W.
Working Paper available upon request.
Working Paper available upon request.
Other Writing
Digitalization in America Latina: A Global Questionnaire for National Statistical Offices. Inter American Development Bank
The document provides a comprehensive analysis of 131 countries, evaluating their statistical efforts in measuring societal digitalization. It reviews recent progress and proposes three instruments for regional statistical offices to use in planning digitalization surveys.
IADB, Technical Report, 2024
(available upon request)
(available upon request)
Proyecciones de Población: un estudio comparativo
(Population Projections: a comparative study)
Population projections are vital tools for planning, managing, and evaluating public and private policies. This publication contributes to this understanding through a comparative study of population projection methods across 18 countries, both within and outside Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It involved in-depth interviews with technical and institutional managers and a thorough review of institutional and academic documents. The research reveals three main findings.
IADB, Technical Report, 2019
Microentrepreneurs in Mexico: Profiling Motivations and Preferences
This report presents a data analysis from a survey designed and executed by the author. The author conceptualizes and operationalizes the category of “Strivers,” who are micro-entrepreneurs with the potential for growth but limited connectivity to critical networks. The findings show that micro-entrepreneurs in Mexico prefer informal and individual loans and underutilize technology in their businesses.
Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Institute for Business & Social Impact – UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, 2018
Estadística Demográfica en el Ecuador: Diagnóstico y Propuestas
(Demographic Statistics in Ecuador: Diagnosis and Proposals)
This document diagnoses Ecuador’s state in producing demographic statistics and proposes methodological enhancements to improve their frequency and quality. It also features critical tabulations from the 2010 Population and Housing Census. The text includes methodological details and significant findings from the census, serving as a bridge between the document’s dual objectives.
Book, INEC, 2012
País Atrevido: La Nueva Cara Socio-Demográfica del Ecuador
(Bold Country: The New Socio-Demographic Face of Ecuador)
This paper examines demographic changes in Ecuador primarily using statistics from population and housing censuses and other official sources. Population and housing censuses are favored for analysis due to their extensive coverage, ability for territorial breakdown, data quality, and ideal timeframe for studying structural social changes. While the focus is on social dynamics from 2000 to 2010, data from earlier censuses, including 1990 and earlier, are also utilized to identify longer-term trends.
Book, INEC, 2012
Public Writing
Biweekly Column – Diario El Telegrafo
2017 – 2018
Guest Writer – Diario El Universo
2016 – currently active
La innovacion Tecnológica y los Censos de Poblacion
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Aug 13, 2021.
Projections vs Censuses: a brief note on their political impact
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Apr 21, 2021.
Dejemos de evadir los Censos de Derecho
Observatorio Latinoamericano
de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Oct 18, 2017.
de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Oct 18, 2017.
Números Sucios: transparencia en las encuestas electorales en
Revista GK. May 2, 2017.
La Década Perdida
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Censos de
Poblacion, OLAC. March 11, 2017.
Poblacion, OLAC. March 11, 2017.
Trudeau no es Turnbull: Fracasos Censales y Legitimidad Polıtica
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Sep 16, 2016.
Tecnocensos, o censos para humanos
Observatorio Latinoamericano
de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. March 15, 2016.
de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. March 15, 2016.
De la dependencia a la interdependencia estadıstica
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Censos de Poblacion, OLAC. Nov 19, 2015.
Una historia sin urgencia para los estudiantes de Yachay
GkillCity. Oct 19, 2015.
Una Hillary ecuatoriana II
GkillCity. Jun 1, 2015.
Una Hillary ecuatoriana I
GkillCity. Apr 27, 2015.
Un Sur para UNASUR
Diario El Telegrafo. Jan 22, 2015.
El antimarketing político de Alianza Paıs
GkillCity. Dec 29, 2014.
F de Fernanda, F de Festejo
GkillCity. Feb 10, 2014.
13 Consejos para Jóvenes Burócratas
GkillCity. Sep 23, 2013.
El crecimiento no esta balanceado
Revista Lıderes. Jan 17, 2018.
El remezón de la mujer en Ecuador
Diario El Comercio. Jan 8, 2014.
Economía del hogar, una década despues
Revista Vistazo. Oct 19, 2013.